The PiB student body consists of anyone who is 18 years of age or older, who has had at least one year of Chinese language learning experience. Approximately 170-180 students partake in the summer program each year. 189 students attended the PiB 2019 program. PiB students range from undergraduate and graduate students to working professionals, all from different countries and cultural backgrounds.
The faculty includes instructors from Princeton University and other American universities. The American faculty teaches together with faculty from universities in China, producing an overall student-teacher ratio of approximately 2.5:1.
Princeton in Beijing is grateful for the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation in launching this program.
Main Contacts
Jing Wang (王静): Director of Chinese Language Program, Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University. Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Program Manager
Henry Zhao (赵扬): M.A., Beijing Normal University. B.A., Michigan State University.